Where do you go for inspiration? Try these tips from the Fast Company website when you need to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Find your prime time. Some creative people are at their best in the morning; others do their most inspired work late at night. Try both options to discover when your best ideas spring up.
  • Wake up and write. Spend the first few minutes of your day writing down your thoughts or recording your dreams. Your mind may express different ideas when it’s just waking up.
  • Seek solitude. If your office is located in an area that gets a lot of activity, find an empty conference room for at least a few minutes every day. Devote your time to free associating ideas and solutions without distractions.
  • Take notes. Keep a notebook handy to write down thoughts and insights by hand throughout the day. Writing by hand forces you to slow down and activates different parts of your brain.
  • Have a break. A short siesta will rest your body and give your mind a chance to refresh itself. A 30-minute nap in the afternoon will help you feel recharged and mentally alert for the rest of the day.
  • Explore other cultures. Get outside your comfort zone by finding out about other countries and ways of life. You’ll encounter new ways of looking at the world that you can apply to your work.