Knowledge Base2017-08-03T20:39:09+00:00

Cruise Around Mental Blocks

Sometimes the ideas just don’t seem to flow. You can’t just give up, but the mental block seems insurmountable. Instead of trying to crash through, try these tactics for getting around it: Freewriting. Open up a blank document and write whatever comes into your head for a few minutes. Don’t go back and change things, and don’t censor your thoughts, [...]

Categories: Small Business Consulting|

Get Your Team Excited About Innovation

Innovation is the key to a healthy organization’s growth, and as a small business owner and boss, you should get your team members involved as much as possible. Here’s how to tap into their creativity: Define your objectives in simple terms. Don’t make innovation a mystery by shrouding it in statistical language or marketing jargon. Express what you’re looking for [...]

Categories: Small Business Consulting|

Where There’s a Will, You need a Plan

It sounds like the setup for a joke: A rich uncle dies and leaves you a fortune. But what happens next in real life? A financial windfall, large or small, needs to be managed well. Here are some tips on what to do if you come into some money: Stash it away. Put the money away for at least six [...]

Categories: Small Business Consulting, Taxes|

Inspire Team Members to Strive For Stretch

Setting goals that dare your team members to go a little further than they think they’re capable of present special challenges for a business owner. It starts with an introduction. Ask your employees these questions to inspire them: “Who do you want to be?” Helping people tap into their deeply hidden dreams and desires is one way to unleash their [...]

Categories: Small Business Consulting|

Learn How to Sell Your Ideas

Your best ideas will go nowhere unless you can communicate them to others. Whether you’re trying to do so to your employees or potential investors, you must be able to make other people understand exactly what your idea is and what it can do for them. Try these tactics: Practice pitching. Start by explaining your idea to your family, friends, [...]

Categories: Small Business Consulting|

Set Goals Together for Maximum Performance

When employees share in setting their own goals, they’re more committed and involved in achieving them. Follow this four-step process for participative goal setting: Take the lead. Yes, you’re working together, but as a manager you still have the main responsibility for identifying performance targets. Start by suggesting a goal. Ask your employee to evaluate it for anything that’s unclear [...]

Categories: Small Business Consulting|
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