Knowledge Base2017-08-03T20:39:09+00:00

Break Free of Boredom to Unleash Creativity

You can’t be creative if you’re bored out of your skull. We all feel jaded and restless from time to time, but if you’re suffering from a complete lack of stimulation, try these tricks for snapping out of it:  Read something new. Pick a book by an author you’ve never read, or one that covers a subject you know nothing [...]

Categories: Uncategorized|

New Laws for Transportation Benefits

The recent tax reform destroyed what was a win-win tax benefit for both the employer and the employee. Transportation fringe benefits came into being in 1992 under the Energy Policy of 1992 (Pub. Law. 102-486). One difficulty was that the benefits expired often and worked their way into the group of tax provisions called extenders. No problem; lawmakers extended the [...]

Categories: Small Business Consulting, Taxes|

Increase Your Online Security

Now most of us know not to access suspicious links embedded in emails from known and unknown sources, and we’re aware of the threats posed by public Wi-Fi networks. However, according to Eric Cole, a cybersecurity expert and author of Online Danger: How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones From the Evil Side of the Internet (Morgan James Publishing), [...]

Categories: Uncategorized|

New Rules for Luxury Cars

Good news, taxpayers! Lawmakers finally increased the luxury auto depreciation limits on business cars. The old luxury limits were unrealistic, punitive, unfair, and discriminatory against any car that cost more than $15,800. The new limits don’t create parity in all respects, but they are a big improvement. If you bought a car in 2017 and paid more than $15,800, you [...]

Categories: Small Business Consulting, Taxes|

Employment Taxes

If you’re a business owner and have employees, you are aware that there is a mandatory requirement to timely pay employment taxes. But what exactly are employment taxes? Employment taxes are withheld federal income tax, withheld social security and Medicare taxes, and withheld Railroad Retirement taxes. These taxes are referred to as trust fund taxes because you (the employer) hold [...]

Categories: Small Business Consulting, Taxes|

Sales Tax Nexus: Does it Exist For Your Business?

You’ve likely heard the term nexus mentioned, but do you know what it really means? While the term nexus relates to several different matters, herein, we’re going to focus on nexus as it relates to sales tax. In brief, sales tax nexus means that if an out of state business has a sufficient physical presence in a state, then that [...]

Categories: Small Business Consulting, Taxes|
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