Let’s face it: Your employees can’t do their best work if they’re not happy with their job at your company. The following “Workplace Audit,” created by the Gallup organization, can help them find out if they’re really happy where they are. Just have them put a checkmark next to each statement below that accurately portrays how they feel about their work situation. A quick look at the number of checkmarks they have should tell you a great deal:

❑ I know what is expected of me at work.

❑ I have the resources and tools I need to do my job correctly.

❑ I am given the opportunity every day to do what I do best.

❑ Within the past seven working days, I have received recognition for a job well done.

❑ My boss or supervisor seems to care about me as a person.

❑ I have a mentor at work—or at least someone who seems to care about my development.

❑ In the last six months, someone at my organization has talked to me about my progress.

❑ My opinions seem to count.

❑ The goals, mission, and purpose of my organization make me feel that my job is important and worthwhile.

❑ The people I work with are committed to doing quality work.

❑ I have a “best friend” at work— someone I can talk to and trust.

❑ Every year, I have opportunities to learn new skills and grow as a person.