Many business owners are reluctant to obtain and use a business credit card for their expenses, and with good reason. If there’s ever a month when you can’t pay your balance in full, you’ll throw good money away on interest – sometimes in exorbitant amounts. However, business credit cards do have their advantages, and can be an aid in expanding your business. If you have the discipline and resources necessary for consistently paying off your monthly balance, you’ll find that your business credit card can actually aid in growing your enterprise.
Do it now instead of later
Having a business credit card expands your overall available credit, giving you more immediate spending power. You can make improvements sooner rather than later, such as upgrading equipment, fixtures, or your website.
Get what you need from suppliers and vendors
Your business credit card helps you establish a business credit history which contributes to your overall credit score. Your business’s credit score is important when it comes to working with suppliers and vendors, because they will look at your score to assess your company’s overall financial stability. A business without much credit history may be perceived as “risky”, and a supplier may not want to do business with you.
Avoid a legal disaster
A business credit card makes it easier to maintain separation of your business and personal expenses, and it’s important to keep them untangled. If you operate a corporation or limited liability company, you can be held personally responsible for company debts if there’s no clear distinction between your business and personal expenses. Put simply, if your business is on the hook for any sum of money and the courts cannot find sufficient distance between your personal and professional finances, they may find you personally responsible for the debt and seize your assets to satisfy your creditors. Keeping all business expenses on a designated credit card can save you from a potentially devastating outcome.
Collect rewards
By using a business credit card for as many business expenses as possible, you could potentially rack up major rewards points. Look for a card that pays you back for every purchase you make. That might take the shape of significant discounts with retailers, airlines, or even actual cash. Turn those rewards points into travel to conferences and trade shows, computer equipment, office furniture and more.
A business credit card can be doing its own work to boost your business. Why not let one work for you? As long as you always pay your monthly balance in full, you’ll enjoy nothing but benefits.